Saturday, July 14, 2012

Decide to be Happy

Another excerpt from Raymond Charles Barker's The Power of Decision: No one is happy twenty-four hours a day. But, too many are happy too few hours a day. The happier you are, the greater the basic patterns of satisfaction are being built in your subconscious. Once you have a real satisfaction pattern, you will live more easily and certainly more prosperously. Not that you will not have problems, but the problems will not get as much of your emotional attention and thus they will be more easily solved. Your mental attention stays on the level of solutions, not on the level of problems. Worry is reduced to a minimum, and faith in the goodness of mankind is expanded. You have moved from the level of fight, pressure and argument to the level of directed attention on positives followed by intelligent right action. This is the way life was meant to be lived. Continue reading...

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

I am Consciousness

An excerpt from Raymond Charles Barker's The Power of Decision:

I know hundreds of people who have proven this larger I am consciousness concept to be the turning point in their lives. It reversed their whole basis of making decisions. They ceased their worship of the past. They ceased their fear of the future. They cancelled out all fear of death. They decided to be cause to their world because they now realized that they were their world. They were no longer people experiencing life. They were Life experiencing itself. They were their own saviors and their own saints. They needed no messiahs. Knowing themselves in God, as God, they placed no lesser gods before themselves.

Not so the materialist. He needs his other gods. He needs another to show him the way, to promise him salvation. He needs a heaven and a hell to frighten him into behaving with sense. He needs to believe that Someone else is greater than he is. He needs another person's model, pattern and plan.

I am consciousness frees you from all this. It causes you to emerge into the larger consciousness wherein you are the All, and the All is what you are. You are willing to be your own heaven and your own hell. You know you are your only redeemer out of the old into the new. You seek not heaven by another man's route. You are the heaven you seek and you awaken unto it, realizing your eternal experience in it. It has never left you, but you have closed your eyes to it. Now your eyes of perception are open, and that which you never left is seen. At night when you sleep, you dream the dream. In the morning, you awaken to the bed and the bedroom you never left. The dream may have been pleasant or horrendous, but you never left the bedroom nor the bed.
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